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Common Core State Standards

Correlation Charts

Book Club provides many opportunities to integrate your curriculum with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The charts in this section correlate each unit in Book Club Plus! A Literacy Framework for the Primary Grades to the Grade 2 CCSS for English Language Arts. Your individual approach will depend on the specific grade-level standards you are using and on the content of your curriculum.

Book Club Plus! A Literacy Framework for Primary Grades | Common Core State Standards

Framework for Book Club Plus! | Framework for a Read-Aloud Unit | Framework for Using Book Club Plus! with Your Basal

Framework for Book Club Plus!
Correlation to Grade 2 for English Language Arts
Section of Unit Common Core State Standards
Before Book Club
Week 1: Getting Started W 2, W 5, W 8; SL 1a–c; L 3
Book Club (Weeks 2–5)
Lesson 1: Introduction to Book Club RL 1, RL 2, RL 10; RF 4; W 8; SL 1a
Lesson 2: The Tripod Log Format RL 1, RL 7; W 5, W 8; SL 1a–c, SL 2, SL 3; L 4, L 4a, L 4e
Lesson 3: Sequence RL 1, RL 5, RL 7; W 3; SL 1; L 5
Lesson 4: Literacy Block, Stepping Into the Text RL 1, RL 4, RL 7; SL 1, SL 2; L4, L 4e, L 5b
Lesson 5: Literacy Block, Moving Through/
   Stepping Out of Text
RL 1, RL 4, RL 6; RF 4a–c; W 2; SL 1a–c
Lesson 6: Me & the Book RL 1, RL 2; W 8; SL 1, SL 4
Lesson 7: Compare and Contrast RL 2, RL 3; W 5, W 8; SL 1a–c: L 6
Lesson 8: Character Map RL 2, RL 3; W 5, W 8; SL 1a–c
Lesson 9: Literacy Block, Questioning RL 1, RL 4; RF 4a; W 7; SL 1a–c, SL 3; L 3, L 6
Lesson 10: Literacy Block, Questioning/
   Intertextual Connections
RL 3, RL 4; RF 4a–c; W 7, W 8; SL 1a–c; L 5, L 6
Lesson 11: Author's Craft RL 1, RL 3, RL 4, RL 7; W 8; SL 1a–c
Lesson 12: Questioning RL 1, RL 7; RF 4a; W 8; SL 1a–c; L 3
Lesson 13: Characterization, Critique RL 2, RL 3, RL 5; RF 4a; W 8; SL 1a–c, SL 3
Lessons 14–15: Literacy Block, Intertextual Connections/
   Looking for Information/Author's Craft and Visualizing
RL 1, RL 7; RF 4a–c; SL 1a–c, SL 2; L 4a–c, L 4e
Lesson 16: Feelings RL 1, RL 3; W 8; SL 1a–c
Lesson 17: Character Relationships RL 1, RL 3, RL 7; RF 4a; W 8; SL 1a–c
Lesson 18: Summary, Interpretation RL 2, RL 3, RL 7; RF 4a; W 1, W 7, W 8; SL 1, SL 2
Lessons 19–20: Literacy Block, Summarizing/
   Author's Craft/Finding Important Details
RL 5, RL 7, RL 10; RF 4a–c; W 3; SL 1, SL 2, SL 3; L 4e, L 5
After Book Club
Week 6: Wrap-Up Options RL 10; W 2, W 8; SL 1a–c, SL 2; L 4
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Framework for a Read-Aloud Unit
Correlation to Grade 2 CCSS for English Language Arts
Section of Unit Common Core State Standards
Beginning the Unit (Week 1)
Lesson 1: Definitions RL 1; W 1; SL 1, SL 2; L 5
Lesson 2: Fishbowls RL 1; W 3; SL 1a–c, SL 2, SL 3, SL 6; L 3
Lesson 3: Consequences of Lying RL 1, RL 3; W 5; SL 1a–c, SL 2, SL 3, SL 6
Lesson 4: Making Connections RL 1, RL 3, RL 7; W 1; SL 1a–c, SL 2; L 3
Lesson 5: Questioning RL 1; W 1; SL 1a–c; SL 3; L 3
Book Club Lessons Continue (Week 2)
Lesson 6: Sequence Chart RL 5; W 1, W 8; SL 1a–c, SL 4, SL 6
Lesson 7: Explorations of Theme RL 1, RL 4; W 1; SL 2, SL 3; L 5, L 6
Lesson 8: Book Clubs RL 1, RL 2, RL 3; W 1; SL 1a–c, SL 2, SL 3; L 3
Lesson 9: Parts of a Story RL 1, RL 5; W 1; SL 2, SL 3
Lesson 10: Visualizing RL 1, RL 7; W 1, W 8; SL 1a–c; L 3
Closing the Unit (Week 3)
Lesson 11: Character Mapping RL 3, RL 4; W 1, W 8; SL 1c, SL 2
Lesson 12: Journal Entry RL 1, RL 3; W 1; SL 2; L 3
Lesson 13: Theme Thoughts RL 1, RL 4; W 1; SL 2; L 3
Lesson 14: Final Project W 1, W 3, W 5, W 7; SL 1, SL 4, SL 6; L 3
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Framework for Using Book Club Plus! with Your Basal
Correlation to Grade 2 CCSS for English Language Arts
Section of Unit Common Core State Standards
Before Book Club
Week 1: Getting Started W 2, W 5, W 8; SL 1a–c; L 3, L 6
Book Club (Weeks 2–6)
Lesson 1: Introduction to Book Club RL 1, RL 3, RL 7; W 1, W 5
Lesson 2: Literacy Block, Story Structure/Long Vowels RL 5; RF 3a, RF 4
Lesson 3: Literacy Block, Retelling/Consonant Digraphs RL 1, RL 2; RF 3b, RF 4; W 3, W 8; SL 1a, SL 2; L 6
Lesson 4: Literacy Block, Noting Details/Consonant and Vowel Sounds/
   Vowel pair oo
RL 3, RL 7; RF 3a–c, RF 4; W 3; SL 3; L 3
Lesson 5: Qualities of a Good Book Club Discussion RL 1, RL 5, RL 7; W 7; SL 1a–c, SL 3; L 3, L 4
Lesson 6: Predicting RL 1, RL 7; W 3, W 8; SL 1a–c, SL 4, SL 6; L 1
Lesson 7: Literacy Block, Drawing Conclusions/Letter-sound correspondence RL 5, RL 7; RF 3b, d, e, RF 4; W 3; SL 1
Lesson 8: Literacy Block, Review drawing conclusions/Short u RL 1, RL 7; RF 3, RF 3a, RF 4; W 3; SL 1; L 2, L 3
Lesson 9: Literacy Block, Cause and Effect/Consonant cluster cl RL 1, RL 5, RL 7; RF 3, RF 4a, RF 4c; SL 1, SL 2, SL 6
Lesson 10: Cause and Effect RL 2, RL 3, RL 5; W 1, W 8; SL 1, SL 2, SL 3, SL 6; L 1, L 3, L 4
Lesson 11: Compare and Contrast RL 1, RL 5, RL 6; W 1; SL 1b; L 4
Lesson 12: Literacy Block, Comparing and Contrasting/Past tense RL 1, RL 3, RL 5; W 3, W 5; SL 1c; L 1d, L 2, L 3
Lesson 13: Literacy Block, Review comparing and contrasting/
   Adding -ing to create verb participles
RL 1, RL 3, RL 5; RF 4; W 3, W 5; SL 1c; L 1, L 2, L 3
Lesson 14: Literacy Block, Categorization and Classification/
   Letter-sound correspondence
RL 1; RF 3; W 3, W 5; L 1, L 2, L 6
Lesson 15: Me & the Book RL 6, RL 7; W 1, W 8; SL 1, SL 3, SL 4; L 4
Lesson 16: Intertextual Connections RL 2, RL 3, RL 7; W 1; SL 1, SL 2, SL 4; L 4a, L 6
Lesson 17: Literacy Block, Noting details/Y acting as a vowel RL 7; RF 3a, RF 4a; W 3, W 5; SL 1; L 1, L 2
Lessons 18: Literacy Block, Making Predictions/
   Vowel pairs ow, ou
RL 1, RL 7; RF 3b, RF 4a; W 5, W 7; SL 3
Lessons 19: Literacy Block, Story Structure/Review letter-sound
RL 5, RL 7; RF 3; W 5; SL 2
Lessons 20: Autobiography RL 1, RL 5, RL 7; RF 4; W 1; SL 1, SL 4, SL 6; L 4
Lessons 21: Sequence RL 5, RL 7; W 1, W 8; SL 1, SL 3; L 4
Lessons 22: Literacy Block, Sequencing/Words that begin with
   consonant blends
RL 5, RL 7; RF 3; W 5, W 6; SL 1a, SL 4; L 1, L 2, L 3
Lesson 23: Wrap-Up Options RL 1, RL 7; RF 3; W 1; SL 1, SL 4
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