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I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
In the Year of the Boar and
Jackie Robinson
The Giver
by Lois Lowry
Book Club for Middle School outlines a complete theme-based unit with Book Club lessons focusing on The Giver.
Below you will find a synopsis, further reading materials, discussion topics, and reviews that you might find useful during your teaching of The Giver.
A Synopsis
Twelve-year-old Jonas will soon take part in his community’s Ceremony of Twelve and receive his Assignment—the career he will have throughout his adult life. The community long ago eradicated poverty, fear, pain, and disorder of any kind. To maintain this “perfect” world, however, individual choice and freedom of expression are sacrificed. People are assigned careers by a Committee of Elders. Families are contrived units that operate under strict guidelines. Behavior and language are carefully monitored, and people deemed inferior or burdensome are “released” from the community, never to be seen again.
Jonas, like everyone else in the community, has never known any other life and is generally comfortable and content. At the Ceremony, however, Jonas’s life changes more than he ever could have imagined. Instead of being assigned a typical job, such as Nurturer or Engineer, Jonas is singled out for the most honored job in the community: Receiver of Memory. He is to receive special training from a community Elder known only as The Giver. The Giver alone holds memories of another time—when lives were filled with pain and complications as well as colors, choices, and true pleasures. He must now pass these carefully guarded memories on to Jonas.
At first, Jonas is afraid to enter the strange world of memories. After several training sessions, however, he is thoroughly repulsed by his own world. He suddenly knows the abuses that occur in his controlled community and sees everything that he, his family, and his friends have been denied. One day Jonas, with the support of The Giver, boldly escapes the boundaries of his community in search of freedom and truth.
Further Reading and Links
The following sites can be used to support and enrich the Book Club unit for The Giver by Lois Lowry.
Meet the Author and Read Reviews
Explore Related Topics
Related Readings/Other Media Available Online
Big Theme Questions
When is it best to conform to the wishes or rules of others?
What problems are avoided when people conform?
What new problems does conformity create?
When is it important to act as an individual and stand up for one’s own beliefs?
How important is it for people to have choices?
Outline of Lesson Plan | Discussion Topics | Writing Prompts
The following section can be used to get discussions started in your classroom. It is based on the Lesson Plan within Book Club for Middle School. The Lesson Plan includes blackline masters for students that support the writing prompts. The writing prompts provided are meant as suggestions only. As students become more comfortable with the Book Club format, they will certainly have ideas and questions that go beyond the prompts. Consider giving students “free choice” as a log option. Book Club Reading Logs help students respond to literature and organize ideas as they participate in Book Club.
Chapters 1–3 | Response to Literature: The Tripod Log Format
Chapters 4–5 | Response to Literature: Extended Responses to Text
Chapters 6–7 | Comprehension: Build Vocabulary
Chapters 8–9 | Response to Literature: Me and the Book
Chapters 10–11 | Comprehension: Compare and Contrast
Chapters 12–13 | Literary Elements: Author’s Craft
Chapters 14–15 | Responding to Literature: Dialogue
Chapters 16–17 | Response to Literature: Favorite Story Part
Chapters 18–19 | Response to Literature: Story Characters
Chapters 20–21 | Comprehension: Sequence of Story Events
Chapters 22–23 | Literary Elements: Author’s Purpose and Genre
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